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What Do These Numbers Mean?

Are constantly seeing repeating numbers show up in your life all the time. Are you constantly wondering what do these numbers mean ? Well I am here to help you figure it out. Head over to Numerologist to get deeper insight. Get the support you need to dig deeper into yourself and gain confidence and self awareness. Signing up with numerologist you will get a detailed numerology reading , astrology charts and various tools to build your personal development. They offer the best spiritual teachers , Numerologists and experts who here to guide you with wisdom to manifest your dreams and desires. Numerologist are able to calculate your soul urge number and life path number. Find out the spiritual meaning of numbers that are constantly repeating around you . Below are a few examples of life path numbers head over to Numerologist to jumpstart your spiritual journey.

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Number 8 You are known as the Seeker. You were born to have faith in yourself and others. You have strong spiritual energy which would make you an excellent analyst, philosopher or researcher because you thrive when you are seeking knowledge and truth . You are intuitive which conflicts with your analytic mind because you often reason with data. If you fully embrace your analytical and intuition side it will have positive impact on your life. You enjoy being alone to regroup your thoughts . Mediation and nature you flourish these type of environments help you relax . Self care is necessary for you to maintain a balanced life. You thrive in positions where you are able to spend time alone. You have a sharp tongue so you need be thoughtful when you communicate with others . Your life purpose is to trust yourself and others. Your are intelligent , incredibly intuitive and wide beyond your years .

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Number 9 is unique because it contains qualities of all the other numbers. 9 vibration is known as a wise old soul. You have strong devotion to what you believe in , you will pursue it with great drive and ambition. You regard human life , your goals are usually surrounded around serving others. You often have issues with your family, you often feel unloved or abandoned as a child. You must find a way to create healthy boundaries with your family and deny those unhealthy dynamics. You often find your self overly involved in your family members lives. You must create a new life extract yourself from those codependent relationships. It will not be easy will take a lot of strength and courage to do so. It will take you awhile to realize the dynamic with your family is not healthy or serving you. You do such a great job a fulfilling others needs but when you are in trouble others rarely notice. You must let your guard down and ask for help. You are often the leader but you place a lot of pressure on yourself learn to lighten up. You are often accused of patronizing because of your nature to preach rather than be a listener. Your higher purpose is to inspire others . You function at your highest capacity when you inspire by your example not by what you say. You have incredible charisma you would make an amazing therapist , counselor and teacher. You would make a wildly successful entrepreneur only if you are passionate about it. You have to find work that has meaning to you or you will feel incomplete. When you optimize your energy you are a powerful force for transformation and change . You have a incredible capacity to succeed in anything you set out to do. You hold all constructive elements of all numbers in numerology but also hold the destructive elements as well. You must understand this so you can embrace it and soar . You do Best going with the flow . Do not live in the past move forward let yesterday go live today and embrace tomorrow. Your purpose in life is to align your life’s purpose with your heart’s intuitive wisdom , to give generously, and to inspire others by your example .

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Number 5 You are The Freedom Seeker . You have intense energy which makes you have a intense life . You are easily bored and in dear need of mental stimulation. You desire experience through all your 5 senses. You live life through your senses . You want to experience everything through all your senses. Everything has be just right or you won’t be happy. You are most likely to be a entrepreneur because you do not like to submit to others authority. You often are restless because you cannot sit still . You need to develop self discipline in your life so your life won’t be chaotic. You will not thrive in a office setting you thrive in environments were you can be fearless . When you are unable to express yourself freely you begin to self destruct. Focus on your strengths which are adventurousness and fearlessness do so with discipline and your life will be complete .

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    Number 2 you’re known as the mediator. You cannot stand discord and always seek harmony . You do whatever it takes to avoid confrontations and conflicts. Do you feel your best when you are of service to others especially your family. You will do best in a career that his service oriented. You work fast in a group environment that’s when you achieve  your most success. You Pay attention to detail which makes everyone turn to you for assistance. You drive best environment surrounded by people you do not find happiness working alone. You are a lover and a fighter. You deserve to give love and love to be given to you as well. You desire unconditional love. You are the perfect balance between strength and sensitivity. Dependable and supportive friend. Often times causing you to feel drained because you go above and beyond to be there for everybody. You are often worried about what others think of  you it is a deep challenge for you to develop your own inward validation. You are  at your  best when you are content, satisfied and luminous .  

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Number 3 you are known as a communicator. Do you love connecting with people, Communication and creativity. You are a natural teacher, writer or counselor. A profession where you are able to convey your idea sweet audience is best suited for you. You do not thrive in a work environment under supervision or with the rigid schedule. You think so quickly that you often get frustrated with slow thinking. You are direct and passionate in your communication. Sometimes you get stuck in your own head by over analyzing and overthinking everything. In relationships you are very loyal and you have the tendency to not get over past relationships. You’re off in the life of the party and make a great host or hostess. The people around you so very comfortable. You’re often go to everything you do which makes it difficult for you to focus. You find faults and pretty much anything which causes you not to follow through. Your communication skills, sense of humor and intellect make you a great person.

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