Biking for Weight Loss [Ultimate Guide]

There are many different types of bicycles available on the market today perfect for biking for weight loss.

The comfort bicycle, which is used by many recreational bike riders, a trail bike or light duty mountain bike, cruiser bikes, recumbent bikes and heavy duty mountain bikes.

No matter which type of bike, or biking interests you biking is a great way to increased stamina, improved cardiovascular strength and all around better fitness.

Biking for weight loss can be achieved by using anyone of these bikes.

Recumbent bikes have become very popular for the middle aged and older riders.

On a recumbent bike you have a very comfortable seat that you can lean back in, quite like sitting in your favorite reclining chair.

 Your butt is very comfortably cushioned. Your feet are out in front of you, quite like when you’re driving your car. Recumbent bikes are the fastest type of bicycle.

 One reason is that with your legs extended forward and pedaling in front of you, you are able to move much more weight with much less effort than on a conventional bike where your legs are underneath of you.

Beginning recumbent riders will tell you it takes a while to develop what are called “recumbent muscles” but once you do you’ll never go back to an ordinary bicycle.

When you are riding a recumbent bike you are leaning back, as if you are sitting in a chair with a back support.

 No sore butt or chaffed legs. No sore back! Your legs are out in front of you, as they are if you are driving your car.

 Your butt is comfortably cushioned in a nice wide seat.

It will take time to get used to the feel of handling a recumbent bike. Recumbent bicycles have steering located above the seat or under the seat.

 The above seat steering handlebar is located about shoulder height.

If you dangle your arm down at your sides in your chair that is approximately where the below seat handlebars are located.

The type of steering your choose is totally your preference, both have about the same ease of control.

You will need to decide what type of recumbent bike you want and how much you can spend.

Some ride and handle very smoothly, and some not so smoothly.

Also, you use an entirely different set of muscles when riding a recumbent bike.

Due to the way that you sit and steer a recumbent bike you will need to develop new skills for stopping and for climbing hills which perfect for biking for weight loss.

 The best part is that in the reclined position your legs are able to carry a much heavier load easier than when riding a regular bike, therefore going uphill will eventually be easier on a recumbent bike.

It will however take time for you to develop the legs to uphill easily on a recumbent bike as you use different muscle groups than with an upright bike.

Mountain biking is a popular activity that is enjoyed by a wide age range of people.

Heavy duty mountain bikes can be quite costly, so it may be best to go to talk to a mountain biking organization about bike rental.

You may only decide you need a light duty mountain bike which would also be good for regular riding.

Not all mountain biking trails are killers and for experts only  they had to start somewhere too.

Mountain biking trails are rated somewhat like ski trails, the easiest is green, an intermediate is blue and difficult trails are pink.

Go slowly, mountain biking can be hard on the joints, and you’ll need to learn how to handle the bike to minimize chance of injury.

Whichever type of bicycle you choose, just do it! Biking is a great way to achieve an aerobic workout and burn calories at the same time.  Whatever bike you chose biking for weight loss will help you  reach your weight loss goals.

The best part is that anyone can ride a bike and it’s a great family recreation to be enjoyed together. Biking for weight loss can be achieved by anyone.

You have come to a decision, one that involves significant change. No, you’re not talking about moving to the Arctic or raising sheep for a living. You want to change your weight by losing 10 pounds.

Okay, you know your goal, but how do you get 10 pounds lighter?

You don’t have to commit to gruesome, extreme exercising for weight loss . Instead, find enjoyable ways to be active, like biking for weight loss.

Maybe you remember how much fun you had biking as a child. You got on your two-wheeler and had adventures around the neighborhood, like races and obstacle courses.

Years have passed and you stopped biking, but you consider taking up this hobby once again. You could use biking to help you lose 10 pounds. Biking for weight loss is possible.

What’s so great about biking?

 Biking is one of the few exercise methods that also serves as transportation. Let’s say you need to go to the craft store to get party decorations. Instead of driving, you can bike to the store assuming it’s not too far.

 A rack or basket can help you carry the decorations home.

Biking also keeps you from skipping exercise or stopping the routine altogether.

 Some people may get encouragement from going to a gym three or four times a week. But you may not like going to a gym because of its location or atmosphere.

 Or, your schedule may not leave any time for you to workout at the gym.

In place of the gym, you can ride a bicycle.

 Most city streets have bicycle lanes and some highways have separate areas for bikes.

Meanwhile, some buildings have no parking lots for cars, yet have plenty of room for bicycles.

And bicycles are pollution-free and don’t use gasoline. As you can see, biking has its advantages.

By biking to work and to run errands, you get a double deal: you get exercise and get to your destination.

 This way, you don’t need to set aside special time just for exercising. As a result, you look forward to your routine and lose 10 pounds.

You don’t try to avoid or put off biking, unlike going to the gym. The gym may seem like hard work, yet biking looks fun.

 On weekends, you can also bike for recreation. Take along your family or friends and enjoy the fresh air.

Have you considered mountain biking? If you can gather up a group of friends, a 20-30 mile bike ride through trails can be an unforgettable experience.

Whether you have a stationary bike or a normal bike, biking is a fun experience and help reach your weight loss goal.

Biking for weight loss should be added to your exercise regimen.

The Atkins Diet [Ulitmate Guide]

Just like any other diet, the Atkins diet can become boring and for some very dangerous.

Before you get into the plan make sure you get a physical and talk to your doctor.

We already know that the diet works but how do you work the diet?

There is plenty of advice and information available online and in the library.

The Atkins Diet is an attempt to trick your body into burning stored fat rather than the carbohydrates you consume for energy.

In the process you might have some physical reactions that are important to know about.

The good news is that there are things you can do to combat some of the side effects.

Some people experience dizziness or cramps or other physical effects from the changes you are making in your diet.

There are things you can do to prevent or alleviate these things. Be aware that you could experience dizziness, leg cramps, or brain fog.

 Remember that the mineral potassium is washed out of your system fairly quickly. Do not eat a banana instead take 90 milligrams of a potassium supplement. It should start working to relieve your symptoms in about an hour.

Below are some suggestions that will help keep you healthy while on the Atkins Diet Plan. These are suggestions to help you combat the symptoms while your body adjusts to the changes.

Eat enough calories. For most people eight to ten calories for every pound of current weight. Too few calories will cause your body to go into starvation mode and weight loss will either slowdown or stop completely.

Drink enough water. You must drink at least 68 ounces of water a day. Some believe that you should drink half of your weight in water daily.

Weigh and measure yourself once a week only while on the Atkins plan. You should see a decrease in inches and even if you don’t, you will see it in weight.

Eat the amount of carbs that make you feel your best.

Eat only natural, unprocessed, nutrient dense carbohydrates. Stay away from sugar.

Exercise regularly. If you are told you can lose weight without exercise, run don’t walk in the opposite direction.

Physical exercise helps your body to use the food you consume appropriately.

 Too little exercise can do as much damage as too much exercise.

 Your doctor can help you determine what your activity level should be. Start off really slow and build up so that you will gain more benefit from your food plan and exercise.

Continue to take nutrient supplements according to your needs and under a doctor’s supervision.

Keep a weight loss and food journal. If a significant event happens like the death of someone close, the loss of a job, or too many bills you might want to note that.

 These events could affect how you eat. Actually anything significant that happens should be noted because good stuff can also affect you.

In this journal you should also note exactly what you eat at each meal, and if you are a diabetic you will be able to understand how certain foods affect your blood sugar levels negatively or positively. Obviously you will be noting your daily testing results.

 By doing this you will be able to recognize patterns. When are your levels the highest or the lowest? Be sure to share these things with your physician, as he or she will be able to help you determine what to do.

Read the labels on everything. Look for any hidden sugars like syrups and look for anything that ends in “ose”, such as lactose, fructose, sucrose, maltose and dextrose.

Lose weight faster. In order to accomplish this try reducing your caffeine intake.

Set realistic goals. A healthy weight loss typically is not much more than one to three pounds a week. Any more than that could be unsafe.

 Losing weight too quickly can trick your body into thinking that it is starving and rather than losing weight your body will stop losing weight and try to hang on to what it can to survive.

 Aside from all of that, note that any large initial weight loss will likely return if you return to normal eating habits.

If a diet seems too good to be true, It probably is.

The best kind of diet is one that encourages balanced meals, moderate activity, and supplements as needed. Before taking any kind of supplement make sure that it is appropriate for you.

 Although they may be all natural, they are not necessarily safe. They can still negatively interact with any medications and you could still develop allergic reactions to it. Bear in mind that nothing should be taken without your doctor’s input.

There are so many diet regimens offered in the market today.

 Each one has its own unique characteristics. Some of them work and others do not.

 The Atkins Diet is not actually new. In fact, it has been around for many years now and you can say it is not the “in” thing anymore.

The idea behind this diet is that you reduce your carbohydrate intake to the barest minimum.

There are various stages in the diet. The first one is called the induction stage.

This stage is where you practically starve yourself of any carbohydrate-containing food.

The first day that I tried this, I felt myself shaking all over and I couldn’t do much anything else but sit down on the sofa! You get used to it though.

 Gradually, your body gets used to the decreased carbohydrate intake. After a couple of weeks, you can gradually increase your carbohydrate intake.

You must be very patient and disciplined in order for this diet to work for you.

 I had to learn the carbohydrate content of almost all food items while I was on this diet. You might also need to come up with a journal wherein you can list down everything that goes into your mouth everything.

That way you can keep track of your carbohydrate consumption for the day.

It is not as bad as it sounds because this diet focuses on high protein intake.

That means you get to eat a lot of meat, eggs, and other such food. If you are a meat lover, then this diet might work out for you.

You might end up spending a lot more on your food though, as meat products and other high protein foods are more expensive than carbohydrate-rich foods such as rice and bread.

Another disadvantage is that you might experience stomach and kidney problems.

 From my experience, I lost weight continuously and quickly as long as I stuck to my diet. However, after several months of being on it, I easily got sick and my stomach gave me problems.

 The doctor said that this is due to the lack of vitamins and minerals. So if you are going to try this out, make sure you have enough supplements to give you nutrients.

Another very important thing  Atkins works while you are on it. If you suddenly revert to your old eating habits, then expect to gain all the weight you lost back.

More than half of Americans are struggling with obesity. The “quick fix” for “fat” for the last 50+ years, becoming ever more popular, has become the Atkins Diet.

The Atkins Diet is very simple  restrict your carbohydrate intake. And guess what? It actually works.

But Dr. Atkins, after the initial few years of his popularized diet, began to make modifications and refinements to the original basic diet.

And several other people have taken the basic Atkins Diet, modified it just a little, and come up with a new and very workable diet.

There are three major misconceptions to the Atkins diet. The first common myth is many people believe this means don’t worry about the amount of calories or fat you eat so long as it’s not carbs.

The second common myth is many people believe all carbohydrates are equally bad.

 The third common myth is that the Atkins “Low Carb” diet is actually a “High Protein” diet. All of these, however, are enormous misconceptions.

The First myth:

 many dieters who use this program believe that calories and fat do not matter when eating low carb food, but in some cases this has proven to be fatal. Depending upon your particular body chemistry, when eating high fat food your cholesterol could climb and climb, leading to a heart attack or stroke. Also, it has now been proven that the older we become the less our body is able to metabolize the “high fat” portion of the Atkins “lo carb” diet, leading to additional dietary and health problems.

The Second myth:

The Atkins Diet is actually a “Low Carb” diet, not a “No-Carb” diet. What should be cut out are breads, rice and potatoes. Fresh fruits and vegetables should not be cut back and many  should be somewhat increased. Finally, after the first month you can “safely” add breads and potatoes — in limited quantities. One friend of mine eats 1 bite of breads/toasts, etc., served with his meals, such as garlic breads. One bite and not a morsel more.

The Third myth:

Mention the Atkins Diet and most people’s reaction is “Oh, yes, the ‘high protein’ diet.” Not true at all — it’s a “Low Carb” diet – protein intake remains unchanged. Some carbs only, not all, are restricted (versus eliminated completely); fats, particularly in older people, need to be restricted; protein should be kept to 4-6 ounce portions per meal, the lower values for breakfast and lunch. What you need to increase is your intake of high-fiber foods such as celery, etc.

The reason why the Atkins Diet works is because your body metabolizes its stored fat (carbohydrates) in order to burn digest the protein, fiber and fat you are eating.

 The Atkins Dieters tend to leave out several food groups, including fruit and vegetables, since they are “high carb food”, and then tend to grab a steak instead, which has very low carbohydrates.

The true danger of the Atkins Diet, however, lies in the fact that, for people who already have health challenges, the Atkins Diet actually worsens some conditions and creates other health challenges that did not exist before the Atkins Diet.

The worst of these is Gout. If you have a tendency to suffer gout, no matter how well controlled you have it, a strict Atkins Diet will create a severe gout condition and gout attack for you.

If you merely had the tendency for gout with no active gout, the Atkins Diet will precipitate an actual condition of gout in your body.

If your body type and chemical makeup is suitable for the Atkins Diet then by all means use it.

Remember that there are several similar alternatives out there which may be more suitable than a strict Atkins, to include some of Dr. Atkins own later work and recommendations.

If you have health challenges, to include a tendency for gout or actually suffer from gout, or have diabetes or any of several other disorders, the Atkins diet is definitely something you need to avoid.

And not just the Atkins Diet. Any and all diets which highly restrict or eliminate one of the essential food groups we all need to maintain optimal health is equally bad.

 Stop the insanity and use a REAL diet  the only proven diet which will work for virtually everyone.

A completely balanced, restricted calorie, diet containing a little bit of everything.

Eat three meals a day, get your sweets, carbs, veggies, fruits, juices, protein and keep it to 1200 calories a day.

Give this diet a year of your life, weigh yourself every Monday and keep track of your weight, see where you are with it.

Are Supplements Good for You?

Are you wondering if supplements good for you? Are supplements good for you?

For the human body to perform at its optimum, it must be fed a vast supply of vital nutrients and supplements help with that.

If the body becomes deficient in just one of these essential vitamins or minerals optimum efficiency and performance declines.

Some food for thought isn’t it, but please remember a supplement is something added to the diet to make up for a nutritional deficiency or imbalance they are not intended to substitute for eating a balanced diet. 

Are supplements good for you? If they are to be taken at all they should only be used to supplement the diet and not replace it. 

Since vitamins occur in all organic material, some containing more of one vitamin than another and in greater or lesser amounts, you could say that if you ate the right foods in a well-balanced diet, you would get all the vitamins you need.

And you would probably be right. The problem is, very few of us are able to arrange this mythical diet. According to Dr. Darnel T. Quigley, author of The National Malnutrition, Everyone who has in the past eaten processed sugar, white flour, or canned food has some deficiency disease, the extent of the disease depending on the percentage of such deficient food in the diet.

Because most restaurants tend to reheat food or keep it warm under heat lamps, if you frequently eat out you run the risk of vitamin A, B1, and C deficiencies.

And if you are a woman between the ages of 13 and 40, this sort of work-saving dining is likely to cost you invaluable calcium and iron.

Most of the foods we eat have been processed and depleted in nutrients. Take breads and cereals, for example.

Practically all of them you find in today supermarkets are high in nothing but carbohydrates.

But they are enriched  if it is written right on the label.

Enriched? Enrichment means replacing nutrients in foods that once contained them but because of heat, storage, and so forth no longer do.

Foods, therefore, are enriched to the levels found in the natural product before processing. Unfortunately, standards of enrichment leave much to be desired nutritionally.

 For example, the standard of enrichment for white flour is to replace the twenty-two natural nutrients that are removed with three B vitamins, vitamin D, calcium, and iron salts.

I think you can see why my feeling about taking supplements is clear. Are supplements good for you yes they are because they supplement missing nutrients needed in your diet.

In nowadays very accelerated paced world we do not ingest a proper diet all of the time.

Whenever you lead a engaged life and do not acquire sufficient vitamins for your body to function decently then you should be compensating with natural vitamin supplements.

Vitamins are the most common diet nutritional supplements; they are required by the body for essential metabolic reactions.

 Different vitamins have different uses and can have multiple reactions and functions.

 There are thirteen human vitamins divided into two groups: the nine water-soluble vitamins (eight B vitamins and vitamin C) and the four fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K).

Naturally, the virtually obvious welfare to accepting multi vitamin supplements is convenience.

It is far easier for a person to take one dosage of a multi vitamin supplement that contains all of the necessary vitamins compared to accepting each one  by one.

This is specially the case for children as it could be difficult for them to take a large number of vitamin supplements but one dosage of a multi vitamin supplement is far easier.

Nutrient content claims for dietetical supplement vitamin describe the level of extraordinary type of vitamin or vitamins in that supplement.

For instance, accordant to numerous health organizations, a dietetical supplement vitamin with at least 12 milligrams per serving of vitamin C might deliver the following expressed on its label is considered an excellent source of vitamin C.

To make the decision less complicated there are now a lots of multi vitamin supplements made for particular people.

 For instance, there are multi vitamin supplements that are made for children. These multi vitamin supplements contain the particular nutrients that children demand for them to grow and develop decently.

Pregnant women have singular nutrient requirements to ensure that their baby receives the essential nutrients and there are multi vitamin supplements developed for pregnant women.

Problems with the digestive tract can be improved quite a bit if you slowly increase your intake of quality nutrients.

 A diet that is high in organic matter is the preferred way to improve your digestion, although you may need to use nutritional supplements as well.

Vitamin supplements are accessible in a number of different forms, including capsules, tablets, liquids, and even chewable tablets.

Also, there is a great variety in the brands and the real content of the vitamin supplements. Do some research and find out what these vitamin supplements contain.

 Pay attention to dosages, ingredients, safety precautions, and other significant info.

 Buy the right supplement for you, and when in doubt, refer a physician or your health professional before ingesting any vitamin supplements.

 If you wonder are supplements good for you ask your physician.

Most people believe that they are reasonably healthy.

Exercise, having a solid diet, and keeping stress to a minimum is a great way to live a longer, happier, and healthier life.

That being said, will taking vitamin supplements help you even more?

 What Supplements should I Take?

Are vitamin supplements only for extremely unhealthy people who simply don’t have the time to exercise and eat right?

You may be surprised to find out that vitamin supplements are a good idea for everyone, even the healthiest people.

Consider an average person, on an average day. How many items does the average person eat that are simply loaded with useless calories and no nutritional value?

Today, more and more people are “too busy” to prepare healthy meals and eat specific foods in order to get their daily recommended amounts of vitamins.

 Some of these people may exercise, but exercising is only doing half of the requirements for healthy living. Eating right is just as important as exercise.

 If you are finding yourself too busy to sit down and prepare a solid meal, then you should be taking vitamin supplements.

Taking vitamins with breakfast is always a good idea. Breakfast is probably the most important meal of the day (yet many people skip it), and so it can be enhanced by taking special vitamin supplements.

What about people who eat right and exercise?

 Yes, they too should be taking vitamin supplements.

 It would be a very rare case to find someone who was able to get all of his or her daily-recommended vitamins through prepared food. Vitamin supplements can also give people more than they need.

Having more Vitamin C than needed is certainly better than not having enough. If you are someone who exercises frequently, then having your recommended amount of vitamins is even more crucial.

 Consider the amount of energy that is spent when exercising?

 Vitamins leave the body through the sweat glands, and it is important to replenish these vitamins.

Even the most active children should have vitamin supplements.

 Studies have shown that children who take vitamins daily are, on average, healthier than children who do not. Children are growing constantly, and exerting large amounts of energy.

 In truth, children need more vitamins than their parents because they need to have enough vitamins for growth.

A common misconception is that vitamin supplements replace vitamins from actual foods.

Are supplements good for you yes they are but no substitute for a balanced diet.

 Therefore, you don’t need to eat vegetables if you are on vitamin supplements. This could not be farther from the truth.

 Vitamins are supposed to improve your physical well-being by making sure you get your recommended amounts of vitamins, or even more than what is needed.

 For this reason, even someone who is eating healthy should be on vitamin supplements.

Many people who have used vitamin supplements notice significant changes in their energy levels if they stop taking the supplements.

 People who have never taken supplements, and begin to take them notice a dramatic increase in their energy levels, and they even feel healthier.

The human body is always changing.

Vitamins are constantly lost, and need to be replenished.

Many people do not acquire enough vitamins to constitute half of the recommended daily amount.

 For these people, vitamin supplements are a must.

However, even the healthiest person should consider taking vitamin supplements to ensure that he or she is getting the daily-recommended amounts, and that he or she has all the energy they need for the day.

Healthy living is no easy feat. In order to be healthy, one must work at it constantly. Vitamins supplements should be used in addition to a healthy diet, so everyone should take vitamin supplements. Are supplements good for you? Yes they are.

Child Safety Plan [Ulitmate Guide]

Did you know there are over 2,000 reports of missing and abducted children to the FBI every day. This is why you need a child safety plan.

That’s an incredible number, and that’s only the ones that are actually reported. With this alarming number you need to create a child safety plan.

You should always be sure your child knows his/her name, address, including city, state, zip code; phone number, including area code; parents’ names, work addresses or at least the business names of where they work, and phone numbers. This step 1 to your family’s child safety plan.

Your child should feel confident using both push button phones, as well as, the old  school telephones.

Always make sure your child knows how to make an emergency call to you or emergency services from a cell phone.

How to make a long distance call both directly to you using the area code.

Your child should never tell anyone over the phone that she is home alone, and NEVER open the door to strangers when she is home alone.

Never to answer the door when home alone. Remind your child to talk through a door or window to anyone delivering a package, and to tell the person to leave the package at the door.

Teach your child how to call your community’s emergency assistance number (often 911). Make sure he knows a neighbor to call if someone tries to get into the house or if there is any kind of emergency.

They need to be aware that it’s not safe and should never go into anyone’s home without your permission. Children should learn who’s homes they are allowed to enter.

These are just a few of the basic child safety lessons you should add to your child safety plan can teach your child to keep them safe and out of harm’s way.

Here’s an interesting but frightening fact: Did you know that a child becomes missing, abducted, or lost about EVERY 40 seconds! Keep reading and let’s do our best to keep your child safe today, and make sure that he/she is going to come home.

There is one is VERY important! If you become separated from your child, he/she needs to know to never look for you if they become lost while shopping or in a public place.

 Instead, they need to go to the nearest checkout counter, security office, or lost and found, and tell the person in charge that she has lost his/her mom or dad and needs help in finding them. And they should NEVER go to a parking lot without you.

Teach your child the importance of the “buddy system.” To walk and play with others. If your child walks to school, have them walk with other children. A child is most vulnerable when alone. Make to add this to your child safety plan.

Your child needs to understand and realize that adults do not usually ask children for directions or help, but should be asking other adults. If someone in a car should stop to ask for directions, they should not go near the car.

Should your child notice someone following them on foot or in a car, to immediately go to a place where there are other people – to a neighbor’s home or into a store, for instance – and ask for help. They should not go near the car to talk to anyone inside and should NOT try to hide behind tree’s or bushes. They should never hide.

Children need to be aware that no one should ever be asking them to help look for a “lost puppy” or telling them that either of his/her parents are in trouble and that they will take them to mom or dad.

It’s so important they understand the safety rules with cars! They need to NEVER go near a car with someone in it or to get into a car without your permission.

Your child should learn who’s car they are allowed to ride in. Warn you child that someone might try to lure them into the car by telling them you said to pick him/her up; tell him/her never to obey instructions like these.

 Instead, they should go back to the school for help. Teach your child a “code word” that is only known among family members. Stress to your child that anyone offering a ride unexpectedly-even a family friend will have been given the code word in advanced.

  Teach your child the  “code word” technique. It has saved a lot of lives and really works! Keep an eye out for it!

Finally, your child should ALWAYS tell you if someone offers him/her gifts, drugs, or wants to take their picture.

he is alone in a car, to put up the windows, leaving a “finger” space between the window glass and the rim, and to lock the doors and stay near the car horn. If a stranger approaches the car, he should blow the horn until help arrives.

That she has the right to say NO to anyone who tries to take her somewhere, touches her, or makes her feel uncomfortable in any way.

If anyone tries to take them away to yell, “This is NOT my parent!” And keep yelling, even kicking and screaming. But ALWAYS use the words “This is not my parent!”

To never accept a ride with anyone else than who you allowed them to go with in the first place. Occasionally, abductors or child abduction schemes will involve a “hand off” of the child, after the child has been allowed to go with someone who is close and familiar to the family.

Your child should always ask permission to leave the yard or to go to a neighbor’s house. Older children should phone home to tell you where they are, especially if they change locations.

Your child should NEVER hitch hike! If your child calls and needs you pick them up, or needs a ride to go to another location.

 Stop what you’re doing and take them! They could have made a worse decision. They could be avoiding getting in a car with a drunk driver, or avoiding one of the dangers you taught them about.

Give them the ride, it’s easier than dealing with the stress and emotional drain of having a missing child. Or even worse yet, identifying your child’s body.

Teach your child to be home before dark. They may give you a hard time, but they will surely thank you later in life. And if they find themselves “late,” to stay away from dark or abandoned places.

And finally, teach your child to avoid adults who are waiting around a playground – particularly an adult who wants to play with them and their friends. This is important to add to your child safety plan.

I hope you have found these Child Safety Plan useful. The information you have been provided was compiled by multiple missing child agencies from all over the United States. These are the investigators on the front lines of the more than 1.4 Million missing child cases that are reported every single year.

Use the information I have provided for you and don’t take your child’s safety lightly. Practice these child safety and child protection techniques. It’s important we all do our part to keeping the children of the world safe, and out of danger, today, tomorrow, and every day for the rest of their lives. Create your child safety plan today!

Leptitox Does it Work [ Honest Review]

Do you have a serious sweet tooth ? And are wondering if leptitox does it work ?

Often times we believe our weight loss is stagnant because because of our addiction to sweets such as donuts and sodas.

Maybe even with diet and exercise you still have not reached your desired weight goal.

I am sure as you are reading this you feel like I am speaking directly to you.

Are you wondering why despite all your efforts to lose weight by avoiding your favorite foods but you still tack on the undesired weight.

There are many reasons for your weight to constantly be increasing. Most likely your weight gain is due to several symptoms.

For many people the gain weight because the excessively eat sugary foods, but the reason they have a excessive sugar craving is because it is a symptom of a unaddressed issue.

One reason why you have increase of weight gain is most likely due to your leptin resistance .

Leptin is a hormone in your body that has been nicknamed the obesity hormone or fat hormone for others it is known as the starvation hormone at times.

Leptin is a crucial hormone that is commonly overlooked. Leptin performs major functions in our bodies.

Leptin regulates bone mass, thyroid hormones, menstrual cycle and your metabolism and appetite.

Leptin is an important hormone because it controls a great deal in your body.

What is Leptin Resistance? 

 Leptin levels are at a certain threshold for everyone . When your body leptin level goes over the threshold, your body begins to function improperly. 

When your leptin levels are high your brain senses do not work properly. When leptin levels are normal your leptin is responsible for burning your energy at a normal rate.

Meaning the food you eat will be turned into energy.  When you fast or starve your energy is decreased dramatically.

When your leptin levels is below average your brain senses that you reached starvation.

If you are overweight you have several issues with your leptin levels, you are facing leptin resistance. Leptin resistance simply means your leptin levels are high.  Which means you are obese , but your brain fails to recognize it.

When leptin levels are high your body is full but your brain still feels it’s hungry or starved .  Obesity is often referred to as brain starvation because of this.

  If you are unaware of leptin resistance your failed attempts at trying to gain control of your weight gain seems like a failure.

Since you were unaware of the root of the cause sabotaging your weight loss. 

Since you are only targeting the surface and not the real issue of high leptin levels.

No matter how much you exercise or little you eat if your leptin levels are high weight loss will be impossible.

Leptitox For Weight Loss

Leptitox is a weight loss supplement meant to treat high leptin levels.

It targets obesity and treats the root issue to weight gain. Leptitox helps women and men to eliminate fat stored in your bodies and target high leptin levels.

Leptitox is made of 22 detoxing plants and nutrients placed in a easy to swallow capsule that you take daily. You be wondering if Leptitox does it work effectively.

But it does work , Leptitox helps detoxify your entire body by removing toxins that are responsible to high leptin levels removing them naturally.

Leptitox supplement helps tell your body that it is time to stop eating which helps fat cells of your body to release leptin.

When you have high leptin levels means your body has leptin resistance and Leptitox helps you balance your leptin levels.

Leptitox is the perfect supplement for men and women who have difficulty losing weight. Anyone who has failed losing weight trying various weight loss programs and diets.

Leptitox Does it Work ?

Leptitox raves about there product just like most weight loss supplements do.

But according to Leptitox review section all buyers of Leptitox are highly satisfied.

Many have reached their weight loss goal or near their goal.

Without changing your diet taking Leptitox supplement helps you rid your body of leptin resistance.

With taking this supplement regularly you will be able to maintain your weight loss goal.

Is Leptitox Safe ?

Leptitox Is FDA approved and manufactured in USA.

Leptitox is a supplement is made of 100% organic ingredients. If you are wondering if Leptitox does it work it does .

Leptitox help you target your weight loss issues by targeting your leptin resistance.

Try Leptitox risk free with there 60 day money back guarantee. Get Leptitox today begin your successful weight loss journey! BUY TODAY! CLICK HERE FOR PURCHASE!


Walking for Exercise Benefits [Ultimate Guide]

Walking for exercise is a powerful, brisk walk specifically designed for the purpose of improving health. Learn how walking for exercise benefits your health.

It is one of the best and cheapest forms of exercise. If you want to improve your general health and keep fit, or if you want to reduce your weight, walking is a good place to start. Walking for exercise benefits are plenty.

Walking keeps you fit and helps you take off extra weight and keep it off. It’s cheap, it’s simple and almost anybody can do it.

Walking has a multitude of health benefits for everyone.

Walking helps reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, lowers high blood pressure, helps reduce weight and body fat, helps reduce risk of some cancers, gives you more energy, helps you sleep better, helps you look better and helps those people who are recovering from a period of ill-health.

Walking for exercise does not need to be strenuous to produce results.

Even walking for exercise benefits 30 minutes a day has been reported to produce measurable benefits, even among those who are least active.

If you want to feel great, have more energy and improve your overall health, take a walk.

Walking is one of the best forms of exercise and you can do it almost anywhere, anytime, and for free. Do at least 30 minutes of exercise, like brisk walking, most days of the week.

The idea is to use up more calories than you eat. You need to use up the day’s calories and some of the calories stored in your body fat.

Along with its benefits to the heart, walking improves circulation, helps breathing, combats depression, bolsters the immune system, helps prevent osteoporosis, helps control weight and helps prevent and control diabetes.

It’s a gentle exercise and it’s suitable if you are recovering from heart trouble, a stroke or other illness.

It helps the total circulation of blood throughout the body, and thus has a direct effect on your overall feeling of health. Walking for exercise benefits your entire body.

Remember, if you have a medical condition, are overweight, over 40 years of age or haven’t exercised regularly for a long time, check with your doctor before you start any type of exercise program.

Your doctor or other health worker can help you set sensible goals based on a proper weight for your height, build and age.

People who walk daily have a lesser incidence of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other killer diseases.

Not only does walking make you healthier but it also burns calories, creates psychological wellbeing, increases metabolism, strengthens muscles, increases flexibility, improves respiratory function and helps concentration and memory. 

This should give you plenty of reasons to try and walk a little each and every day.  Besides that, simple physical inactivity is one of the leading causes of ill health. 

Walking not only benefits you but it also benefits the Earth. 

By learning to walk rather than driving a car you are doing your part to help the environment by not releasing toxins into the air, which hurts the long-term stability of the planet.

A short four-mile trip you take walking keeps about fifteen pounds of pollutants out of the air we breathe. Walking for exercise benefits the environment.

Walking also saves you money on gas and other expenses associated with your vehicle.

Every time you start your car it costs you about five cents considering current gas prices. Needless to say driving anywhere adds to this enormously.

Yet, most people still use their vehicles to make short trips, which could easily be made by walking.

If you can even make the simple choice to walk once a week when you would normally drive you will go a long way toward making a difference both in your pocket book as well as in your life.

Walking is also a stress reducer. Stress has been proven to contribute more than any other factor to the reduction of longevity. Walking can help reduce that stress and increase your longevity. 

One of the primary reasons people decide to walk is to lose pounds. 

There are some simple formulas you can use to determine how many calories are being burned according to your weight and how fast you are walking.

How Much Should you Walk to Lose Weight?

3.0 miles/hour (20-minute mile): Burns .027 calories/pound/minute.

3.5 miles/hour (17 minute mile): Burns .033 calories/pound/minute.

4.0 miles/hour (15 minute mile): Burns .042 calories/pound/minute.

4.5 miles/hour (13 minute mile): Burns .047 calories/pound/minute.

Take the number of calories/pound/minute you burn and multiply it by your weight and then by the number of minutes you walk.

For example, if you weigh 150 pounds and walk a 20-minute mile for 60 minutes, you multiply 150 by .027, then multiple the result (4.5) by 60. You burn 270 calories.

It is important that when you do walk that you walk at a moderate pace. Walking will do you no good if it is so leisurely that you exert no effort.

A good walk should leave you moderately perspired. This ensures that you are working at an ideal intensity.

Walking is a habit like anything else.  If you can create a habit of walking everyday it will contribute to a new and healthy you in the long term.

Running, jogging, weight lifting, calisthenics.  

These are all good for keeping in shape but walking for exercise benefits is still the most simple, and effective, of all exercises to lose weight and stay in shape and maintain good health.

Approximately 67 million Americans of all ages walk for exercise regularly.

Walking can be done with friends or alone.  And it can be performed outside or inside.

Walking helps the metabolic system to control weight, regulate blood sugar, and cholesterol levels.

A brisk walk burns up to 100 calories per mile.

In an ideal world you’d be able to eat all you wanted, do as little exercise as you felt like and move around just by flicking a switch.

And if you chose to sit in front of the TV all day stuffing yourself with cakes and ice creams, it wouldn’t make the slightest difference to the way you looked or how you felt.

In an ideal world, you wouldn’t have to worry about your lifestyle. You’d look and feel great all the time.

Meanwhile, in the real world, huge numbers of adults and children are obese or overweight.

According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Sciences, heart disease kills nearly one million people every year.

There are many reasons for this. The time spent watching TV is just one. Working for long periods at a computer and an increasing reliance on the car are others.

And if, like many, you know you’re not as active as you should be, you may come out in a cold sweat every time the dreaded word ‘exercise’ is mentioned.

But here’s the thing, you don’t need to worry. There is an activity you know only too well that offers the perfect solution to being unfit. It’s called walking!   

Just imagine for a moment what the ideal fitness plan would look like:

1             It would be easy to do and enjoyable for its own sake

2              It would provide a wide range of health benefits like:

                – Reducing the risks of heart disease, diabetes and minor illnesses

                – Controlling or reducing your weight

                – Reducing your blood pressure

                – Reducing your risk of injury

                – Reducing stress and improving your sleep

                – Improving your posture

3              It would be cheap and wouldn’t involve the purchase of lots of equipment

4              It would be flexible enough to adapt to the time you have


5              It would put you in control of your body and your life.

Walking is ALL of the above. It’s the IDEAL solution to the problem of inactivity.

It can be your solution.

You can stop your body going into further decline just by walking a bit more each day. All you have to do is increase the amount of walking you already do on an average day to 21 minutes (or 30 minutes over 5 days a week).

Then you need to do it regularly, making it part of your daily routine.

And that’s all it takes to achieve a basic level of fitness!

The wonderful thing about walking for exercise benefits is that you can do it anywhere: at home, in the gym, in your local neighborhood or, for the more adventurous, in the great outdoors.

And it’s all FREE.

You were made for walking. Make it what you do best and make your body your best friend!

In the real world, walking can get you fit. It’s the ideal way to survive fitness.

So what are you waiting for? Get walking … !

Walking is an aerobic exercise meaning that it uses oxygen.

A brisk walk increases oxygen intake to the blood,strengthens the heart, improves circulation and lowers blood pressure.

For people with poor circulation in the arms and legs,walking can help to increase the size and improve the efficiency of the tiny blood vessels that supply blood to the cells.

Walking slows development of all forms of arthritis,degenerative joint disease, stops loss of bone mass in osteoporosis, and tones the muscles.

Walking helps recovery from back pain. For women walking reduces premenstrual and pain during periods.

Regular walking also relieves and prevents constipation. Psychologically, walking generates an overall feeling of well-being because it produces endorphins, a natural tranquilizer. This aids in relief of depression, anxiety, and stress.

To get the most benefit from walking, 30 minutes of walking must be done at a brisk pace without stopping.   Gradually increase time to 40 to 60 minutes for each session.

Always stretch muscles and warm up before walking.

Wear walking or running shoes that fit snugly but not too tight, support the arch and lift the heel slightly. 

Replace your walking shoes every 6 months or 600 miles, whichever comes first.

In hot, cold and inclement weather consider getting a treadmill for walking indoors.

Take advantage of walking for exercise benefits today. Just start with one step.

18 Tips to Lose Weight Fast without Dieting

The fastest way to lose weight can depend on your individual circumstances, so there is no one solution for everybody. In theory, the fastest way to lose weight would be to stop eating completely, and do a lot of exercising nonstop.

This is not a way to lose weight safely, and will do you far more harm than good. Here in this article we will discover how to lose weight fast without dieting.

Tip # 1 To lose weight fast without dieting

Keep a diary of your progress. The more you can understand your own body’s calorific needs, the greater insight you can gain into which techniques are likely to yield the greatest benefit. You could use a written diary, or a spread sheet program to chart your progress, but why not use the tools available on the internet to help you? Have a look at websites like to find out what to do.

Tip #2  To lose weight fast without dieting

Make sure you have targets. If you are planning a sustained weight loss program, having some definite numbers in mind will help you focus and concentrate.

You can help concentrate your mind by visualizing yourself reaching your target before the date you have set yourself.
Putting a physical entry in a diary or calendar can be another method for keeping your motivation high.

Setting realistic and achievable targets is the first step to reaching them!

Tip # 3 To lose weight fast without dieting

Use pictures to gauge your progress. If you have ever been on vacation , and had pictures taken of you while you were overweight, you were probably not pleased when these pictures were shown around.

It is easy and cheap with modern digital cameras to take pictures of yourself at regular intervals, preferably with the same background.

Seeing visual evidence of your progress can really give you a boost!

Tip # 4 To lose weight fast without dieting

Decide on your favorite exercise, and use it. For many, running or jogging will be the best answer, but not for everyone.

If you are not used to exercise, brisk walking will probably be better, and if you have any kind of joint problem, swimming will put less pressure on the joints.

Whichever exercise you choose, just make sure to do enough of it. Exercising regularly will burn calories that you will not burn with sedentary activities, and is the surest way of all to lose some weight.

Combine the methods given here, and you will find they provide the fastest way to lose weight safely that you can find.

Dieting is not easy.  If it were, we would probably all be thin.

Since we are not, here are some tips that successful people use to lose weight so that others can benefit, too. 

Tip # 5 To lose weight fast without dieting


Okay, for many people this is a big problem. 

Water doesn’t taste all that great generally because water doesn’t really “taste” like anything.  Drinking water 8 to 10 times each day gets easier the more you actually do it. 

It is simply a matter of conditioning your taste buds, and yourself, so that it becomes easier to do.  Once you get started, you will begin to crave water.

To begin with, you should drink a glass of water in the morning first thing, before you eat.  This is probably the easiest glass you will drink all day and it will help you remember to drink water all day long. 

Better yet, why not drink two glasses?

If you really cannot bear the taste of water, try using a water purifying pitcher or filter.  You can also add a few drops of lemon or lime to your water – but no sugar or sweetener!  Ice also helps.

Check out flavored waters on the market, too. Just keep an eye out for additives.

Tip # 6 To lose weight fast without dieting


Do not skip breakfast.  If you need to go to bed a little earlier so that you can get up 20 minutes earlier each morning – do it! 

Breakfast is so important to your good health and to weight control. 

According to Dr. Barbara Rolls a professor of nutrition at Penn State University, “Your metabolism slows while you sleep, and it doesn’t rev back up until you eat again.”

Eating breakfast is not only good for overall weight loss, it will help you stay on track with your diet the rest of the day. 

You are more likely to binge on something sweet and in the “bread” group if you skip breakfast. 

You can always keep a couple of hard-boiled eggs in the fridge or some high-fiber, low starch fruit around. 

If you plan to eat fruit at all during the day, breakfast is the perfect time to do it.

Tip # 7 To lose weight fast without dieting


This can be one of the hardest adjustments to make.  After all, you are busy!  You already have a “full-plate”. 

When do you have time to worry about filling your plate with more frequent meals?

Just like eating breakfast will increase your metabolism, so will eating more often. 

This will also help you curb your bad-carb intake by making sure that your snacks are planned and occur regularly throughout the day.

Really, it will just take a minimal investment of planning time at the grocery store and at home each morning before you head out for the day to make some healthy food choices and prepare a few healthy snacks and meals.

  For suggestions, just see the handy list of snacks and appetizers listed later.

Tip # 8 To lose weight fast without dieting


This is one easy way to remember what not to eat.

  If it is made from sugar, flour, potatoes, rice or corn – just say no.  Remembering this rule of thumb will make it easier to recognize those rice cakes as an unhealthy high-carb snack.

Always look for colorful fruits and veggies to substitute for the white ones.  Buy broccoli, lettuce, bell peppers, green beans and peas, brown rice in moderation, leafy greens like kale and spinach, apples, melons, oranges and grapes.

These foods are not only colorful they are also high in fiber, nutrients and important antioxidants.  Eating colorful fruits and vegetables will give your diet variety as well as give you added health benefits.

Tip # 9 To lose weight fast without dieting


It is so easy to use a low-carb diet as an excuse for poor nutrition.  Resist this temptation. 

If the only vegetable you have eaten in the last 5 years has been the potato, now is a good time to begin experimenting with other vegetables. 

This is important for your overall health and to avoid some nasty side effects of not getting enough fiber in your diet.

If you try hard enough, you will find vegetables that you enjoy eating.  Experiment with grilling veggies and cooking with real butter to add flavor. 

You can also search for new recipes on the Internet or in cookbooks. 

Remember, if you are only eating 40 grams of carb a day or less, two cups of plain salad greens contain only about 5 grams of carbohydrate.  

You have no excuse not to eat your veggies.

Tip # 10 To lose weight fast without dieting


While more and more restaurants are offering low-carb friendly menu items, many of them are still not ideal low-carb fare. 

There are many recipes for quick and easy meals that you can prepare yourself at home. Try to do this as often as possible.

If you cook your own foods, you know exactly what the contents are and you will be able to better control for hidden sugar and otherwise processed foods.

Another benefit is the cost savings over the long run.  Even if you must go to the grocery store more often, you will save a significant amount per meal as opposed to eating at restaurants and fast food establishments.

It will also be easier to maintain your diet with your own favorite fresh food selections on hand.

Tip # 11 To lose weight fast without dieting


Having food storage containers of various sizes on hand will make it so much easier for you to plan your meals and snacks. 

When you buy nuts, fruits and vegetables in bulk you can simply prepare, separate and store them for easy use later.

For instance, you can pre-slice your apples and snack on them over several days.  Simply cut them, rinse them in pineapple or lemon juice and store.

  This will make a quick and easy snack for later.

Fix your lunch and take it with you to work.  Better yet, fix your lunch and 2 snacks for work.

Tip # 12 To lose weight fast without dieting


In addition to everything that’s been discussed before, eating protein helps you burn more calories. Jeff Hample, Ph.D., R.D., a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association says that, “Protein is made up mainly of amino acids, which are harder for your body to breakdown, so you burn more calories getting rid of them.”

Just think – eating a protein rich snack can help you lose weight.  How about a few slices of turkey or ham or some string cheese?

Eating protein will also help you feel full so that you are less likely to crave unhealthy snacks.

Tip # 13 To lose weight fast without dieting


This will help you get in your 8 to 10 glasses of water each day but it can also have other benefits.  Ever feel hungry after eating a handful or standard serving of nuts? 

Try drinking water afterwards.  The water will help you feel full and prevent overindulgence.

Drinking water after a snack will also help remove the aftertaste from your mouth and can help curb your desire for more.

Tip # 14 To lose weight fast without dieting


You will feel full and more satisfied if you take the time to savor your food and chew it slower. 

Don’t get in the habit of eating while standing or eating quickly.  Sit down and chew.

Eating slower will help you enjoy your food more, pay attention to what it is you are actually eating and get a better sense of when you are actually full.

How can I lose weight fast is something many people feel they need to know, and often the thought can be self defeating.

A gradual weight loss, based on sound dietary and exercising principles is far more likely to result in sustained weight loss.

Nevertheless, there are legitimate ways to speed up your progress. Find out here how you can really lose weight fast.

Tip # 15 To lose weight fast without dieting

Cut down on the pasta. Pasta is often recommended as a healthy food, and it certainly is far healthier than many alternatives, but it is still high in calories.

Endurance athletes eat a lot of pasta, which should tell you something about its properties as a stored of calories.

Pasta is probably not something you want to cut out, so just cut the size of the portion down, and replace some of it with fruit and nuts.

Tip # 16 To lose weight fast without dieting

Go to as sugar free a diet as possible.

Sugar is extremely high in calories, apart from its other negative implications for health.

Switching to alternative foods with no sugar will help you lose weight at a much faster rate.

Even brown sugar, although better, is still fattening. Soft drinks can be the worst culprit of all, and replacing them with water will pay off handsomely.

Tip # 17 To lose weight fast without dieting

Make more of your fluid intake water.

So many people do not take in enough water to allow the body to function at an optimum efficiency, and many are permanently dehydrated.

Your body uses water in the fulfilment of many essential tasks, and the brain also needs a regular supply for thinking processes.

Drinking water is highly recommended, and it does help stimulate the burning of fat.

Tip # 18 To lose weight fast without dieting

Use a pedometer to track the amount of walking you do. Find out how many steps you make in a normal day, and then try to increase it.

Try walking where you didn’t walk before, on shopping trips, or just to the park on a sunny day.

Walking is a great exercise, because it is not especially strenuous or dangerous, and gives aerobic stimulation to the cardiovascular system.

Anyone with no serious joint inflammation, or arthritis, or other leg trouble should be able to benefit.

Here you have 18  techniques which will assist you in fast weight loss, without any of the risks of crash dieting. Hopefully, they will help you in your quest to  lose weight fast without dieting.

20 Child Obesity Soutions [ Ultimate Guide]

Most parents just feel helpless. They want the best for their kids, but in spite of everything we know about nutrition and exercise, most parents hope for the best and do little about their overweight kids.

But there are child obesity solutions.  It is  clear to me that parents don’t understand the pivotal role they play in the solution to a child’s weight problem.

The three crucial mistakes that parents make and the key actions parents must take to get control and start their child on the path to improvement:

Mistake #1: “She’s Not Heavy.” This is plain denial. Many parents refuse to be honest with themselves about their child’s weight. They see the beautiful perfection of their child and turn a blind eye to a problem that is likely causing emotional pain in their child’s life lowering the child’s self-esteem and getting in the way of their child achieving her true potential.

Action Plan: Learn what a healthy weight for your child should be. Compare where your child is to where your child needs to be. Acknowledge this goal openly.

Mistake #2: “He’ll grow out of it.” If only parents knew: Studies show that 50% of obese school-aged children will become obese adults. Children WON’T grow out of their weight problem.

Action Plan: You don’t need to put your child on a crash diet, but you do need to get them on a healthy path with better food choices and exercise activities that will help them as they grow. Losing weight is not rocket science. But changing the habits and lifestyle of a family in today’s busy world is difficult. Especially when the emotional well being of a fragile overweight child is at stake, parents need a plan and they need perseverance.

The good news is that the easiest time to get your child on track is between the ages of 4-12 when they are growing and still totally reliant upon their parents for their food and activity.

Mistake #3: “I’ve Tried Everything.” Most parents simply give up. They may try something but usually not the right things – in the right way. Then they give up.

Action Plan: The secret is that you must put it all together in the correct way and you must commit to being successful. You must acknowledge that you are the only one that can make the difference and you must rally your entire family around your child’s success. You can have a healthy child but only if you decide to make it the number one priority in your life.

I’m sure you’ve seen the dire reports about childhood obesity becoming rampant in America. It’s a scary thing and not an experience any of us wish upon our children. Preventing obesity can be easy and empowering for children. Give them control over their bodies. Teach them to tune in to their real needs and to treat themselves with love and respect. But there is child obesity solutions incorporate these 20 tips to your child’s lifestyle.

The most effective thing we can do to prevent childhood obesity is help children stay in touch with their bodies and honor its needs. It is a fact that people are generally getting fatter in many western societies. This is reflected in the popularity of diet books and fitness equipment. But while most of us realize it would be good to lose a bit of weight, we are only vaguely aware of the staggering levels of “obesity” in our societies. We are even less aware of the impact this is having on our children, and the widespread existence of childhood obesity.

Child Obesity Rates

Generally speaking, a person is considered “obese” when the amount of fat stored in his body endangers his health. Here are some recent OECD statistics that show just how widespread the problem of obesity is:

Percentage of Population (over 15 years of age) who are obese

U.S.A. – 30.6%

Mexico – 24.2%

U.K. – 22.4%

Australia – 21.7%

New Zealand – 17%

Canada – 14.9%

Germany – 12.9%

France – 9.4%

In other words, almost 1 in 3 Americans and roughly 1 in 5 Australians are so grossly overweight as to have health problems because of it.

What Causes Childhood Obesity ?

As individuals we have a tendency to rationalize our inclination to be overweight or obese.

We often blame such things as heredity, or glandular imbalance, and while these things often do make a difference, the primary cause for most obesity is quite simple.

A person gains weight when he or she consumes more calories than they burn.

In other words, there are two important factors involved diet and activity level. And it seems pretty obvious that in countries with a high obesity level, both things are taking a hit.

Western diets are oozing with more fat and sugar than ever before, while people are generally becoming more sedentary and getting less physical exercise sitting in front of computers all day, and in front of the TV all night.

But there hope to curb child obesity. By following the child obesity solutions tips above.

Consequences of an Obese Lifestyle

Obesity has overtaken infectious diseases as the most significant contributor to ill health worldwide.

Illness such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure, obstructive sleep apnea, asthma, heart disease, stroke, back and lower extremity weight-bearing degenerative problems, certain types of cancer, and depression, have been attributed to obesity.

In fact, it has been estimated that roughly 500,000 deaths now occur annually due to poor diet and physical inactivity. If this trend towards obesity is not reversed in the next few years, it will likely overtake tobacco as the leading preventable cause of death.

Even more troubling, when adults adopt an obese lifestyle, they are more likely to pass their eating and activity habits along to their children. This has given rise to a dramatic increase in obesity in children.

Child Obesity Facts

Obesity in children has become commonplace in many countries. For instance, it is estimated that obesity in children and adults in the US has increased by more than 30% over the past 10 years alone.

The reasons are obvious. Children are subjected to the obese lifestyle from all sides. Many families have substituted high fat, high sugar junk food and soft drinks for regular well-balanced meals. Or they have simply stopped preparing meals in the home the proportion of foods that children consumed from restaurants and fast food outlets increased by nearly 300% between 1977 and 1996.

Children are also the targets of a constant barrage of advertising that promotes highly processed junk food.

And in many cases the normal physical activity that has been a part of childhood for many generations has been restricted by concerns for safety, or completely replaced by sedentary activities like playing video games or watching TV.

But the 20 tips below has child obesity solutions.

Consequences of childhood obesity

Obesity is never a good thing. But obesity in children is especially bad.

Once fat cells are created in the body they cannot be gotten rid of by normal dieting or increased physical activity.

So an obese child normally carries their obesity through into adulthood. On the other hand, if a child learns good habits for diet and exercise as children, they will very likely carry these habits and this knowledge into adulthood as well.

What Can be Done about Childhood Obesity?

It is up to parents and other adults to teach responsible alternatives to the obese lifestyle. Parents must first become aware of the problems with their own personal and family eating habits and activity levels, and then they must make adjustments that will have a positive lifelong impact on their children.

One effective way is to adopt the “AKA” approach — AWARENESS of the problem. KNOWLEDGE of what to do about it, and ACTION designed to bring about lifestyle changes. Children have an innate thirst for knowledge, a deep desire to improve their self-image, and will love the attention you give them as you develop a plan for a more healthy lifestyle for your entire family.

Follow the 20 tips for your child obesity solutions.

1) Allow children to be in charge of which foods they eat.

2) Make all foods equal and teach kids to check in with their bodies and choose foods based on what their bodies are asking for.

3) Encourage them to know when they are full and to stop eating at that point.

4) Let them eat according to their own hunger patterns rather than according to external schedules.

5) De-emphasize body shape and weight. Encourage kids to love and accept their bodies unconditionally.

6) Help them find fun ways to move and play so they get plenty of enjoyable exercise every day.

7) Love them unconditionally and don’t make derogatory comments about their looks or weight.

8) Be sure they never get started on the damaging cycle of dieting and bingeing.

9) Let food just be fuel for the body. Don’t turn it into a reward or save certain things to be special treats.

10) Teach them to honor other people and not tease or make fun of others who are fat.

11. Replace regular soda with plain water, or flavored water. Dilute fruit juices, half fruit juice and half with water.  Encourage them to drink 2 glasses of 1% or fat free milk every day.  You would be surprised to see how many calories you can drink in a day!

12. Make salads more flavorful by adding fruits like grapes, dried fruit, nuts, sections of mandarin orange, chunks of pineapple and sliced peaches.  This is a great way to fill up without all the calories and fat that a second helping of your dinner might have.

13. Make fruit fun by freezing grapes, slices of banana and berries. Serve the frozen fruit topped with low-fat Cool Whip or dipped in a low-fat Chocolate pudding for dessert or a treat.

14. Keep a variety of low-fat yogurt, light cheese strings, veggie sticks like carrots, celery and peppers at the front of the refrigerator so the kids can grab them when they want a snack.  Kids are more likely to choose these low-fat options if they are visible and readily available.

15. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit on the kitchen table where the kids can see it and reach for it without thinking. Kids tend to eat what they see!

16. Children tend to model your eating patterns, so set a good example by eating healthfully. Make sure you sit together at meal times and make food part of fun family time.

17. Make sure your child eats breakfast. Whole grain cereals, low-fat milk, yogurt and fruit it is easy and nutritious. Encourage your child to get his/her own breakfast from an early age and provide them with healthy options and a variety of food so they automatically make healthy choices.

18. Don’t use food as a reward for good behavior and don’t restrict food as a punishment. For example, don’t say to your child “If you clean your room you can have an ice cream sundae” or “No dessert if you don’t finish your homework”.  Using food as a reward or punishment  can set your child up to have negative associations with food that can cause problems later in life.

19. Limit time spent watching TV – you’re own and the kids. There is overwhelming evidence that too much TV promotes obesity!  People tend to eat more when in front of the TV and have less activity – a weight gaining combination!

20. Get active and have fun with your kids. Take them to the pool, play ball, bike riding, fishing, or hiking.  Being active as a family will improve you and your child’s health.

Tips To Choose A Daycare With Care

When you begin having kids it was impossible for one of you to quit work to stay home with them. You have always hoped to be in a position financially where you could support the family while the other one did the important job of raising our children for the first few years of their lives until they got into school. So, unfortunately, when kids came around and your finances weren’t at the level you had hoped, you begin your search for the right daycare setting for your young kids.

I am a firm believer that a daycare, when chosen carefully, can be a great place for children to spend their first few years of life. When you begin your search for the right place for your kids, make a list of the things you would not compromise on when it came to the daycare our children attended. I’d encourage all parents who are considering daycare for their children to do the same.

By sitting down together and listing your priorities, you were able to begin your search with a better picture of the kind of daycare you are looking for. You know that we wanted our children to be in a safe, healthy environment where they would be cared for well and encouraged to build friendships with other kids and to learn new things. Be insist that your daycare was smoke free and look for a daycare that give the children many opportunities each week to get outside and enjoy playgrounds or other fun events for children.

Take your time and be intentional with choosing a daycare for your kids. If you are unable to care for your children in the earliest years of their lives, in some ways by choosing a daycare program you are choosing a substitute parent for your kids. You cannot afford to make the decision about daycare lightly because I guarentee your kids will be shaped and formed by the daycare they attend.

My friend settled on a small, private daycare that was run by one woman out of her home. Her two children made a total of six children that she was watching each day. Our daycare provider had a clean home that was filled with a variety of educational toys for children of all ages. Twice a week she took all of the children to events somewhere outside her home. Perhaps they would attend a book reading at the local library or go to the park on a nice afternoon. We were happy that her daycare service prioritized feeding our children healthy foods and helping them have a healthy, active lifestyle right from the start.

Determine your priorities for daycare and then stick with them, because choosing a daycare for your kids is one of the most important decisions you can make for them.

5 Tips To Help New Parents Get Some Sleep With A Newborn

Are wondering how to get sleep with a newborn baby? The joy of a newborn is certainly special and something that all new parents experience. However, a lack of sleep is also part of having a newborn and new parents notoriously get very little sleep, if any at all. Fortunately, there are some strategies and tips to help new parents get some sleep when the new baby comes. Of course, with a newborn you will never get an over abundance of sleep, but these tips will help you at least get enough sleep to keep your sanity.

Tip #1 Take Turns
When the baby starts crying both parents generally wake up, even if only one attends to the baby. However, in the first couple of months both parents might get up each time the baby cries. This will lead to a lack of sleep for both parents. The best plan is for mom and dad to make a plan of who will get up when to comfort the crying baby. Generally, taking turns is really the best option and will help everyone get just a little more sleep.

Tip #2 Nap With Baby
If you are caring for the baby and are tired and the baby goes to sleep then you should take a nap as well. This will allow you to get some much needed sleep. So, whether the baby naps in the morning, afternoon, or early evening you should also get a little rest because you never know when the baby might wake up.

Tip #3 Accept Help
Frequently when you have a new baby there are plenty of people willing to help from parents, siblings, friends, and other family members. So, when you really need to get some sleep just accept some of the help that is being offered. Having your mom care for the baby just a couple of hours will allow you to get some much needed sleep.

Tip #4 Keep Baby in Nursery
The baby should sleep in the nursery and not with the parents. Many times it is tempting to allow the baby to sleep with the parents, but this is not healthy for the child or the parents. So, put the baby to sleep in his crib in the nursery. Then, when the baby cries one parent can easily go attend to the baby without disturbing the other parent. This allows a little more sleep for new parents.

Tip #5 Feed Baby Before You Sleep
If your baby has been asleep for several hours and it is around 11 pm and you are getting ready for bed simply wake baby for a feeding. Most babies wake during the night because they are hungry, so if you feed baby late before you go to bed it is likely they will sleep until early morning or 6-7 hours. This will allow you to get some continuous sleep, even if it is not as much as you want.