The Cinderella Solution as a weight-loss program design for women. This Cinderella Solution Review breaks this program down in deail.
It was created by Carly Donovan she created a program that includes food pairing and a home workout program design for you to lose weight quickly.
Carly is a fat loss specialist she has been in the weight-loss industry for the last 10 years . She has built a reputation of helping women with weight loss.
She herself has been over weight . The entire program is designed to last 28 days and is divided into two parts. The first 14 days is known as the ignite phase , in the last 14 days is known as a launch phase.
You are allowed to repeat this program as many times as you desire , Until you reach your goal weight. The workouts are optional but to increase your chances of losing weight faster I would opt to do the exercises.
The exercises last for about 8 to 10 minutes. The exercise are gentle designed for a female metabolism.
These workouts can be done at home with your own bodyweight or with light dumbbells. The food pairing and workouts were created to restore cortisol and estrogen to your body which Is this your weight-loss.
Read this Cinderella Solution Review before you purchase.

Who is Cinderella Solution for ?
The Cinderella Solution Is created for Women between the ages of 20-60 . This program was created by a woman who thought to tackle female metabolism.
This plan is designed for women who have tried the traditional way to lose weight by eating salads and counting calories and being able to have lose some weight and quickly gain it back .
The food combinations provided in this program are tasty and there’s no need for you to count calories. Cinderella Solution is designed for long-term weight loss .

How Does Cinderella Solution Work?
Carly Donovan Created this program after noticing that other countries do not struggle with obesity as United States, even though they eat starchy food and drink lots of wine.
Countries like Japan and Spain eat lots of carbs and drink lots of wine, but it’s citizens have low bodyweight. The reason for this is their diet is filled with foods that are filling and satisfying.
Their diets are aimed at taming hunger. Hunger is what leads to over eating, and one over eats when they do not feel satisfied or filled .
This program is focus on food pairing which means finding the right combinations that will have you feel satisfied and filled .
You will not become a victim of over eating because you are satisfied.
Food pairing is a simple factor which will help you lose lots of weight.
Some of my favorite food pairing dishes was ricotta cheese and berries my favorite snack. Food pairing keeps your insulin and estrogen in check.
As in women when these hormones are off-balance it is difficult for one to lose weight. Insulin regulate your sugar, when your insulin regulate your sugar efficiently it keeps your body fat in check.

Food pairing is designed to revitalize your metabolism which is based on getting your insulin and estrogen in check.
How Long Will Cinderella Solution Take?
This program is divided into two phases Ignite and Launch. Each phase last for 14 days. The two phases differ because in the ignite phase you eat three meals a day while in the launch phase you eat four meals a day.
Both phases include 14 different meal plans for each day. If you are worried because you are vegan or pescatarian the creator has create a custom meal plans for you too.
The Workouts
Although following the workouts are not compulsory, following The workouts and the meal plans combined will increase your weight loss.
The workouts are not intense but gentle and not requiring much just space and a pair of dumbbells.
The exercises are designed to increase fat loss and tone your muscles without putting strain on your body.

There are 50 videos to choose from. Which can be viewed from your smart phone or your Computer.
You are able to download these videos instead of streaming all the time. Most of the workouts last for about 8 to 20 minutes.
The Cinderella Solution Was the perfect solution for me to finally lose weight without calorie counting my food.
The food pairing was the answer to my weight loss. I was always satisfied after each meal which prevented me from over eating. I enjoyed the workouts because they were straight to the point.
Cinderella Solution is the perfect weight loss program for women. This program comes with the realistic blueprint for you to follow. This is the best Cinderella Solution Review .
You will not get bored from the meals because they are delicious and flavorful. The workouts aren’t hardcore but manageable to do. Start Today !