Parenting Tips 101

Parenting in simple terms just means loving your child, and teaching him to be a rounded and caring individual , following these parenting tips will help.

 Children need understanding, love, as well as a certain guiding hand which will help them make appropriate choices. Follow all these parenting tips with love and understanding.

Parenting Tips

1.            Understand that you child is an individual with the ability to think. Never try and mold a child into what you imagine to be the right mold for him or her. Every child has certain inborn talents and must be given the opportunity to discover their own identity and personality.

2.            Instill in the child a sense of self confidence and trust in you. They must know that at any time they can turn to you for advice and help.   Help the child discover themselves, their inner talents and strengths. Keep all avenues of conversation open. Listen to what a child has to say. You will be surprised at how much children know today.

3.            Nurture your child’s talents and give them the space and opportunity to fly with the wind and touch the skies. Never try and push a child into a study course or profession they are not comfortable with let the child find its own level.

4.    Reassure the child that he has your unconditional love and support. Your love is not a measure of the child’s behavior, performance, or achievements. 

5.    Freedom needs limits. Being understanding and lenient does not mean running wild. Children need rules to work under as well as a pre-determined schedule. This instills in them a feeling of security as well as discipline. So, a parent must wield the carrot and stick but subtly not like a military general or great dictator.

6.   The adage, spare the rod and spoil the child is valid. What a parent needs to do is use positive methods to discipline a child. Never beat or abuse a child but devise a way in which a child looses certain privileges when   he or she behaves badly or oversteps limits. Decide with the child whether it should be TV privileges, or pizza treats, or movies, or visits to the mall. Many parents find “grounded” works well.

7.   Create bonds that a strong and will stand the vicissitudes of time. Be warm, share interests, spend time together, establish routines and rituals, be vigilant and pick up clues when a child is upset or angry. Keep lines of communication open, a child must be able to come and share is troubles and problems with you without hesitation.

Being a parent is not about providing well, giving pocket money, or satisfying material needs. It is about creating love, understanding, and trust. These parenting tips will help your parenting journey go smoothly.

Bonds that are formed in the early years of life will last a life time of good times and bad. It is important for parents to extend a warm hand of friendship.

There are some basic rules when it comes to good parenting tips however. Here are the basics of parenting that every parent should know:

Be kind

It is never okay to demean your children. You do not ever want to put them down or hurt their feelings on purpose. No matter how mad they make you feel you should always work to control your temper. Not only will this keep you from doing and saying something that you will regret, it will also teach your children to control themselves as well.

Be a good role model

Being a good role model is important. This means teaching your children how to be good people all of the time. You want to teach them to be kind and to control their temper as well as to share. The most important thing that you will teach your children is the difference between right and wrong. Without this very important knowledge your children will not know how to succeed out there in the real world.


Controlling your temper is important and teaching your children to be responsible is great but communication is the key to being a good parent. There is no parent better than one who is dedicated to communicating with their kids well. Communications does not have to be hard, it just has to be done all of the time.

Communicating does not even have to be too in depth.

 Some people are just not comfortable with talking about their inner feelings all day every day and that is okay. Just talk to your kids about the important things.

 For example you need to make sure that your children know how much you love them all of the time. This is a huge part of good parenting.

 Be consistent

  Do as you say you will. Children know where they stand when you are consistent, follow through and mean what you say.

 Encourage regularly and persistently

Remember that encouragement and praise will get children a lot further than criticism and punishment so be your child’s best encourager rather than his fiercest critic.

 Encouragement helps a child link his or her self-esteem to the process, rather than the results of what they do.

 Put responsibility where it belongs.

Treat children and young people as you want them to be.

If you want responsible, capable children then treat them as if they are responsible. The best way to develop responsibility is to give it to children.

Show love and affection to your children.

 Say you love each of your children at least once a day. Knowing they are loveable is the basis of self-worth, regardless of their age.

Catch children and young people behaving well.

 Pay attention to your children’s positive behavior more than their negative behavior.

 What you focus on expands so if you focus on the positive behavior that is what you generally get.

Give descriptive feedback so that your children know what they did well.

For example “That was great the way you two worked out the TV-watching problem without arguing. You both compromised a little which is smart.”

 Develop independence in children from the earliest possible age.

Never regularly do for a child the things he or she can do for him or herself. Remember, your job is to make yourself redundant.

Set limits and boundaries for children and expect that they will push against them.

Children and young people need limits and boundaries as they make them feel secure.

Keep a sense of humor when dealing with children.

This will help you keep things in perspective. It may seem improbable some days but they will soon grow up and be out of your hair and be a living, breathing reflection of YOU.

Good parenting means talking to your child about important things in their lives.

 Like if they get bullied at school you should talk to them about that experience.

 Let your kids know that they can tell you anything that happens to them without fear of being rejected.

If your kids can know they can talk to you about anything at all they will do it.

Keep in mind how important it is for you to know where your kids are at all times.

Parenting has many facets and if you want to be good at it you need to learn about them all , start with these parenting tips for help.

