Here is the honest truth on the Venus Factor system. The Venus Factor system is a product which is designed for women to help ladies lose weight, burn fat ,and get toned and keep it off for good The safest , quickest and holistic way possible. In this review I’m going to break down Venus Factor it into two parts How does Venus factor help you lose weight and keep it off for good and is it truly worth your investment. Can Venus Factor really help you lose weight?
The creator John Barban claims this system will help you lose weight quickly ,safely and holistically. You will be able to lose weight without using weight loss supplements. You’ll be able to shed fat by sticking to a weight-loss diet without exercise. Once you adopt this system and incorporate it into your lifestyle you will lose weight and keep it off.
Who is this for?
This is for the woman who is serious about losing weight it is truly going to stick to the program. If you are ready to put in the work and commit to the lifestyle plan this is for you. If you’re willing to except responsibility for your weight instead of passing the buck. This is not for anyone who is approaching their weight loss journey naïvely. And this is not for you if you were trying to find a quick fix to weight loss. If you were a woman wanting to lose weight safely quickly in the most holistic way possible the Venus Factor is for you. The Venus Factor does come with a couple of upsells if you are like me when I purchased the product my money was tight so I opted to not purchase the upsells. However if you do you have the extra cash to spend the upsells will help you increase your chances of weight loss success. The upsells come with Weight loss pills that enhance fat loss only if you follow the diet and exercise program given. You are given access to a social support group which studies have shown that social support increases your chances of losing weight and keeping it off for good. The meal plan ideas are great for those who have difficulty thinking of meals to create, instead of eating the same thing over and over.
Why is Venus Factor differs from other products ?
The weight-loss market is a multibillion dollar industry filled with a bunch of low-quality products. This weight-loss product is on the top tier of all weight-loss products. The Venus Factor Will teach you the weight loss fundamentals. Many people struggle with weight loss because they make the process complicated. This product spells out clearly how to lose weight and that is creating caloric deficit. When you follow a caloric deficit you will be able to eat your favorite foods like pizza. Unlike other weight-loss products where you are forced to eat grass you’ll be able to eat some your favorite foods and still be able to lose weight. This way of losing weight will make your journey to weight loss enjoyable.

The Venus Factor comes with a step-by-step guide which is very detailed. Unlike other weight-loss programs that pull you in many different directions and get you confused and overwhelmed. But with this program they give you sample meal plans ,easy to follow exercise guidance, video exercise library of over 100 videos and a nutrition calculator which will help you keep track of your calories.
What I disliked about this Product?
The one thing that I disliked about the Venus Factor is some of the exercise required free weights such as dumbbells or barbells to perform them. If you have a gym membership that will be easy for you ,but for me I didn’t have any of these options. So I had to invest in a home gym equipment in order to do some of the exercises. At first I only did the exercises that didn’t require weights but I wanted to be able to use the program in it’s entirety so I ended up purchasing dumbbells. However exercise is not contingent on you losing weight your diet is.
What Do you receive with Venus Factor ?
This program comes with five things. The workout plan , which shows you exactly what exercises to do to tone your body. Venus Factor Fat Loss System which comes with a 12 week plan that will teach you everything you need to know to lose weight with it sample meal plans. You get a physical copy, This works perfectly for people like me who hate using digital formats. You receive an exercise video library which has over 100 videos showing you exactly how to perform these exercises. And my favorite item which is the nutrition Calculator which helps you document your calorie intake.

This has been the best weight loss program that I have ever reviewed. This product is special to me because it is targeted towards women. If you’re not serious about losing weight and following the instructions and you rather waste your time with crappy weight loss supplements this product is not for you. But if you are ready to make active changes and you’re ready to lose weight this product is for you. This product is reliable as long as you follow the step-by-step weight-loss system that will help you burn fat natural and safest way. Then Venus Factor is for you.